1. Reden wir miteinander ...

    Liebe(r) Gast, tausche dich mit uns über die Themen aus, die dich gerade beschäftigen. Falls du es aushältst zu erfahren, was Außenstehende darüber denken. ;-)

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die mutter seiner kinder!!

Dieses Thema im Forum "FORUM | Reden wir miteinander ..." wurde erstellt von bambina, 10 Juni 2009.

  1. bambina

    bambina Gast-Teilnehmer/in

    Dearrest one
    i was going throught this site now and i sawmy.vienna.at your profile at
    how is life with you i hope you are very good and the atmostphey of the season is ok with you before i go on i will like to introduce my self to you, i am 29yrs old i am also single and black in colour i am a nigerian but leave in Dakar senegal in west africa friends call me tony but my real name is tonymax i will like to be your soul mate and i am looking for some one who can be my children mothers to be i hope that you are the one i am looking for pls try contact me back [email protected] so that i can send you my picture befor we start discausing how we can meet onch ok i love you

    na bitte. ist das nicht rührend?
    und das vor meinem ersten kaffee.

    nachtrag: hab einen blog starten wollen, dadurch ein profil dort angelegt...nur falls sich wer fragt, wrum ich solche mails bekomme ;)

    TIN-MACHINE Gast-Teilnehmer/in

    and where is the picture from tony?

    i am also single, but white in colour, i live in south lower austria and my friends call me pepi, but my real name is tin-machine.
    i hope you are very good, ok i love you
  3. laverne

    laverne Gast-Teilnehmer/in

    meine favoritin (schad, dass ich kein mann bin)

  4. diese bewerbungsmails heb ich mir inzwischen auf, wenn ich welche krieg, ich find die alle klass!
  5. Sanoa

    Sanoa Gast-Teilnehmer/in

    Irinas ist aber schwer zu toppen.

    Made my day! :D
  6. sockerl

    sockerl Gast-Teilnehmer/in

    mine too! :D (ich war ein erregter august...)
  7. Nessie1981

    Nessie1981 Gast-Teilnehmer/in

    Ich lösch den Mist immer, krieg auch laufend sowas. Und alle machens den selben Fehler: leave heißt ja verlassen und live = leben - ist das eh immer ein und derselbe? Weil "meine" machen diese Fehler auch immer.

    Irina: tja sowas kommt raus, wenn man mit automatischer Übersetzung arbeitet..
  8. tibia

    tibia Gast-Teilnehmer/in

  9. Gruesie

    Gruesie Gast-Teilnehmer/in

    Wir wollen Bilder sehen, wir wollen Bilder sehen, .... :D:D:D
  10. sane

    sane Gast

    Mir wollen sie immer ihre Millionen hinterlassen und dann kann ich mir alle Irinas und Tonys kaufen. :cool:

    TIN-MACHINE Gast-Teilnehmer/in

    mir gefällt diese:

    Hello dear new friend
    how are you to today i hope are fine
    My name is miss
    A girl of integrity and full of knowledge and understanding
    , who
    cares everything about love and cares without cogitating on
    the other part of
    it a girl filled up with the real sense of
    belonging and cares to be treated
    with sincerity and humbleness
    i just went through your profile in(baseportal.
    de/cgi-bin/baseportal.pl?htx=/esasen/clansingles&sort=-10&range=0,100 )
    sites which
    really interests me in extending a hand of a relationship to you.
    if you will have the desire to go on with me, and for us to know each other
    better and see what happens in future.i will be very happy if you can write me
    by my mail ([email protected])
    and in return i will send you my pics for
    you to see how i really look like. i will be waiting to hear from you. thanks
    and remain blessed.
    miss jane

    TIN-MACHINE Gast-Teilnehmer/in

    die finde ich auch super.

    Cote d'Ivoire

    Attn:The President.

    Good Day,
    I write to solicite your assistance and support to enable me execute a very lucrative and high profiting business transaction.I work for an Ivorien based import and export firm ("a-MIC"), I work product sourcing manager.Between the 17th -19th of may, 2002 a business seminar was held in BOUAKE Cote D'Ivoire of which I attended.

    While in the Seminar, I was opportuned to meet ALHAJI MAMADOU TANGARA,the President of TANGARA GROUP(WA)LTD. ALHAJI MAMADOU TANGARA is an accomplished and widely known and recognised millionaire farmer in this part of the region. He has cattle farms in different countries.On getting to know my proffesion, ALHAJI MAMADOU TANGARA informed me about the purchase of a very important cattle medicine.He informed me that he buys this product at $5,000.00 USD per carton, and that he used to buy morethan 1000 cartons quaterly.He asked me if my organisation could source for him a cheaper supplier of this medicine considering the recent trend of falls in the general price of beef in the world market which is affecting his business.

    Back in my office, I discussed this proposal with my boss and he decided to handle the supply by himself.We carried out a market research and discovered that we could purchase this medicine somewhere cheaper in EUROPE for $2,000.00 USD per carton. We moved a proposal to TANGARA GROUP(WA)LTD make the supply to them at $4,800.00 USD per carton of which he accepted.Owing to my role in the transaction,my boss offerred to be paying me 15% of total gain after each suply.But on the completion of the suply my boss renegated on our agreement and refused to give me my share of the profit.Since then our relationship has been at its lowest ebb. I have since accepted it as one of life experiences.

    However, as God would have it, recently, I ran into ALHAJI MAMADOU TANGARA and he informed me that he would want us to urgently supply him with 1250 cartons of the same product before the end of next month.I used the oppurtunity to inform Alhaji that I can introduce him to the main producer of this vaccine who can supply him the product at $4,400.00 USD if he will pay in advance as he usually does. He was very pleased and has assured me that he is not going to contact my boss again for this vaccine. He is now
    waiting for me to link him to the producer of the vaccine. We will buy the medicine at $2,000.00 USD from EUROPE and sell at $4,400.00 USD TO ALHAJI MAMADOU TANGARA, with him making a down payment of 50% of our quoted price first.

    If you are interested and capable of executing this supplies on my
    behalf,kindly get back to me urgently through my email.

    Thanks for your cooperation.
    Yours sincerely,
  13. laverne

    laverne Gast-Teilnehmer/in

    ich hab in der firma auch einmal spam-betreffs gesammelt, da ich an meine eigenen mailadressen sowas nie bekomme.
    wenn also interesse besteht, poste ich das gerne hier.
  14. agnellina

    agnellina tabula rasa

    Her damit! Die sind ja echt geil! :roflsmiley:
    Ich krieg so was kaum bis gar nicht - gmx hat keinen Humor.
  15. laverne

    laverne Gast-Teilnehmer/in


    • give her 3 hour rodeo
    • give her amazing pleasure that will be hard to measure
    • want harder weener that won't let you down soon after beginning?
    • you can be a man in every aspect, especially in bedroom
    • your deep penetrations will charm her
    • pretty women worldwide will know about your big pride
    • finally your desires can coincide with your abilities
    • you'll need time to digest the fact that you became so blessed
    • unleash your tank cannon today
    • the power in your pants will be really breath-taking
    • give your wife a serving of pleasure one after another
    • women like to ride men with bulgy pride
    • the blue pill adds the colors to your bedroom
    • is yours below 5 inches long?
    • you feel the big friend in your pant, the other see it
    • the best way to take revenge on your ex ist to make your member bigger
    • just think of pleasant motions with your proportions
    • make her your rod's slave
    • your phone will not stop ringing - and all calls will be from gorgous women
    • now you have a huge defender in your pants
    • it's like having a female catcher
    • your manhood will return to you like a boomerang
    • give your bomb a longer timer
    • you can lose all your worries, the blue pill will take care of your extension
    • now it is possible to have sex more than 10 tmies a day
    • with a bigger tool you will get laid more often
    • make a feast for your beast by making him bigger
    • you will make her wet easier
    • her exclamation 'wow' every time you take your pants off
    • it will be impossible not to note the outstanding bulge inside your pants
    • nobody will have the guts to contest with the man who is blessed
    • you might be making millions by showing your beast in the public
    • the sense of manhood lies only in your size
    • you can kick other man with your stick
    • set your member free by growing it bigger than the tree
    • you will have so much meat you could share it with everyone
    • it doesn't hurt to be a larger gentleman
    • your little friend will grow like mushrooms after the rain bigger and bigger
    • rock that hole with your 9 inch tool
    • she will admit that it was the best night in her life
    • become unbelievable beast in bed
    • now you will not get out of your bed for days
    • the whole galaxy will be yours with the size like that
    • want her to moan more?
  16. agnellina

    agnellina tabula rasa

    Brüüüüüüüüüll... :roflsmiley: "You can kick other man with your stick" - ich halt's nicht aus! *schenkelklopf*
  17. agnellina

    agnellina tabula rasa

    Aaaaah, das wird immer besser - bin grad bei "rock that hole with your nine inch tool"... :roflsmiley:
  18. karotte13

    karotte13 Gast

  19. Michaela

    Michaela Gast-Teilnehmer/in

    Bambina, Du bist die Auserwählte! :verehrung:

    Die Sandale, die Sandale - er hat uns ein Zeichen gegeben.... :D
  20. bambina

    bambina Gast-Teilnehmer/in

    die sandale?

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